Link here to my Website "It's the Learning, Stupid"

This is where I have been adding my thoughts, reflections and resources about Teaching & Learning with ICT's since present


I am an experienced teacher of High School History, Mathematics, and Digital Technology (Web Design). In the last 3 years (2009-2011) I have held the position of E-Learning Director at Wellington College, during which time I managed the implementation of the schools's highly successful Moodle eLearning Site (MyColl) along with their shift to Google Apps and a number of other cloud-based tools.

Over the last two years I have been invited to present to and run workshops at a number of schools throughout New Zealand on how Moodle, Google Apps, eTV and other eLearning tools can be successfully implemented to enhance school-wide communication, collaboration and student learning.

In 2008 I was a Ministry of Education e-Fellow. During the year I researched how student interactivity can be enhanced through the use of a blended learning approach and sought to discover how students could become more engaged in their learning when offered an environment that encouraged interaction and collaboration (more can be found here).

Over the last few years I have attended and run presentations and workshops at a number of eLearning conferences including U-Learn, Learning@Schools and MoodleMoot. In 2009 I was on the MOE funded Moodle Reference Group representing all New Zealand Moodle Schools. I have completed my Moodle Course Creator Certification which can be viewed here. Other qualifications include a Bachelor of Arts (History Major) and New Zealand Teaching Diploma along with 18 years Secondary Teaching experience.