As 2012 comes to an end I say goodbye to my year as an e-learning consultant and trainer. It has been an interesting year away from the class with visits to a range of schools around the country from afar afield as Mid-Canterbury to as close to Farewell Spit as you can get. I was fortunate to spend a lot of time in sunny Nelson and Marlborough and of course in Wellington and Kapiti and around the lower North Island. I saw a range of teaching and learning strategies along with a wide standard of ICT set-ups in the schools that I visited. There were common themes and messages which helped me to redefine where I saw e-learning and how it should be moving ahead to have a positive impact on teaching and learning in the short-term future...but more on this to come shortly.
But for now I will be closing this site down in due course and moving all future communications back to my renamed "It's the Learning, Stupid" blog which I started back in 2008. It has been given a bit of a makeover and posts from here have been transferred over. I will be posting far more regularly to the new site also.
One thing that this year has shown me is that I have missed the classroom and the community of the school environment. I now look forward to a new challenge from the beginning of 2013 and am taking up the position of Director of e-Learning at Palmerston North Boys’ High School. This is a school with a proud tradition, enthusiastic staff and fantastic boys. Their motto “Nihil Boni Sine Labore” which translates to “Nothing achieved without hard work” is something which I firmly aspire to and I look forward to making a positive impact on the school over the coming years.